Monday, January 5, 2009

Christian Politics

Last night I found a pamphlet that, in my opinion, embodies everything that is wrong with the way Christians approach politics. The pamphlet was entitled 'What Harm Can Same-Sex Marriage Do?' and it proceeded to give several brief warnings about the potential 'problems' that same-sex marriage would present if it were allowed. Now let me say that I am not a fan of same-sex marriage. Any of you who read my post in response to Lisa Millers article in Newsweek know that I am against it. However the approach of the authors of this pamphlet is completely wrong and decidedly unchristian.
In brief the pamphlet outlined a number of potential dangers is same-sex marriage laws are allowed to pass. The majority of these 'dangers' were purely statistical in nature. A couple of these are as follows, 1) The number of divorces will increase (while this may be technically true it is a ridiculous argument. The only reason that the number of divorces would increase would be because there would be gay as well as straight people getting divorced. This would have no real impact on the Christian community or society in general.) 2)The number of people unfaithful to their spouses would increase (same objection as above, this is true only because there would now be gay as well as straight people being unfaithful to their spouse. However these gays that would be unfaithful to their spouses are already unfaithful to their partners, there would be no real change.)
Others had little to do with gay marriage, one argument was that Christian organizations would be forced to hire homosexuals. However this movement is already underway and has had some success (several years ago the Boy Scouts were forced to allow homosexual Scout Leaders) and has only limited connection to the fight over same-sex marriage. While the success of same-sex marriage may have some effect on this argument it, in my opinion, is likely to be minor and have little influence in the success or failure of this movement.
Overall the arguments listed were poor, however this is not my objection. The arguments listed were clearly designed to play on the fear and hate that exists within certain segments of the Christian community over the issue of same-sex marriage. The pamphlet did nothing to address the real issues behind the debate and instead made surface arguments designed to scare Christians into standing against same-sex marriage. Besides the fact that this tactic is unlikely to sway anyone that is not already against same-sex marriage, it does not display the Christian nature preached by Christ and his apostles.
We are commanded to be 'salt and light' to the world. We are commanded to love our neighbors and our enemies. We are commanded to obey the governments that are placed over us as long as they do not contradict the clear teaching of scripture. The tactic used by this pamphlet, which is common throughout Christian politics, flies in the face of these commands. As I said above it plays on fear and hate, the same tactics were used against President Elect Obama in the recent election. These tactics do nothing to support the Christian reputation and, in fact, damage it. I spoke recently about what it means to be set apart, this is an excellent example of NOT being set apart. The way Christians approach politics is just as hateful and dirty as anyone else, sometimes more so. If we are going to call ourselves Christians lets start being set apart in our actions instead of separatist in our culture.


  1. Just fyi.. there was a Google ad on your blog today with the following:

    Gay and Christian?
    New free information. Why Christian and gay is okay.

    I was wondering if you condone this ad, or what your views are on the matter?


  2. No, no I don't, thanks for letting me know, I've been doing my best to get these adds off.
